Procreate's "Reference Companion" was introduced to Procreate with its 5.1.1 update. At first glance, the update seemed to contain the features I implemented in my case study and more, but after fiddling with the feature for a few minutes I formulated some of my thoughts and critiques.
Adding "Reference" to the "Canvas" tab seems somewhat unintuitive for a window that floats above the canvas.
My reference implementation menu was accessible under "Add", implying it was something that would be added to the piece, but not strictly onto the canvas (which was my main objective with this case study).
My design implementation featured just images as reference, but Procreate did well by allowing users to also reference their own canvas like other digital illustration programs do. In that instance, having the Reference Companion on under "Canvas" does make sense.
Procreate's update, Reference Companion, allows users to get a very useful zoomed-out version of their piece for reference.
Reference Companion is good with its scaling and mobility, but restricts users to only one reference image.
The Reference Companion window is mobile and scales well, but prevents the user from utilizing multiple references at a time. The feature could definitely be taken a step further to implement multiple windows, possibly similarly to my concept of having a tab for just Boards.
Reference Companion's options for interaction on its window.